5 Sure Ways You Can Make Sure You’re Focusing on Quality Over Quantity When Exercising

Sport & Fitness
June 28, 2022
4 min read

Beyond team practices and games, it’s no question that conditioning outside of that is key in helping athletes excel in performance. Not only does investing time in conditioning help athletes to be in peak physical form so they can perform their best during competition, but also it helps reduce the risk of injury. With that being said, the number of reps an athlete performs in exercising for example is not as important as the quality behind the reps being done. Without a focus on quality there’s no point in exercising in the first place. Proper form will go a long way in gaining muscle and reducing injury. 

Let’s take a look at 5 sure ways you can make sure the quality of your exercises is top notch.

First thing’s first: warm up

When you warm up (even just for 5-10 minutes) you’re helping increase blood flow to the muscles, which in turn helps to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This can help to prevent injury by helping to prepare the muscles for the demands of the workout. Warming up also helps to improve performance by helping the muscles to work more efficiently. When the muscles are warm, they can contract more forcefully and produce more power. And of course, warming up can help to increase range of motion. When the muscles are warm, they are more pliable and can stretch further. This can help you to perform exercises with proper form and achieve a greater range of motion.

Engage everything, always

Even if you think you’re just doing a leg exercise or a back exercise (something isolated from the rest of the body), it’s important to remember that actually, you need to engage everything else too. Engaging your core muscles during a workout, for instance, helps to stabilise your spine and pelvis, and can also help to improve your balance and posture. Additionally, strong core muscles can help to protect your back and spine from injuries. When in doubt, just squeeze your muscles more.

Keep good posture

We often forget about maintaining good posture because for most, it’s not natural to us, and can be rather uncomfortable. However when you engage in good posture it helps to ensure that your muscles are working properly and that you are getting the most out of your workout. Poor posture can lead to injuries, both during and after your workout (specifically in your back). But when you have good posture, it helps to prevent fatigue and can help you to maintain your energy levels throughout your workout.

Don’t underestimate breathing

Breathing seems like a no-brainer, but actually many of us forget to focus on the quality of our breathing because we’re too focused on the task at hand. When you focus on your breath during a workout, it becomes easier to take deep, full breaths, which delivers more oxygen to your muscles. This can help improve your endurance and performance. Additionally, deep breathing can help you to relax and focus, which can also improve your workout.

Check in with your coach

Your coach is there for a reason. They want you to succeed in athletic performance as much as you do. Ask your coach if you’re performing your exercises in correct form and they can give you direct feedback on what to improve. Or better yet, download the TeamSportz app and exercise whenever, wherever you want. The app uses AI to track your body movements so you will know if you’re in correct form or need to adjust accordingly. The coolest part is over time you can see how you’ve improved.