Record your matches for free

Sport & Fitness
January 19, 2022
3 min read

For all of the coaches out there, if you are familiar with the Match of The Day TV program, then you are familiar with game analysis. Although if you’re coaching a grassroots sports team, you’re considered lucky if you’re able to get your hands on a solution that effectively enables you to record your matches and analyse the game afterward. 

According to UK Coaching 2019, 46% of all coaches at grass root level are volunteers with little to no funding or resources available to them. With that said, you’d be lucky as a grassroots sports coach to get a hold of a game analysis solution considering all of them typically require additional equipment (a camera), require installation (most of the time, only a single camera allowed at your home court), and/or cost a ton. 

What if someone told you you could now record your matches for FREE (plus have even more useful coaching features and functions included)? It would seem too good to be true, right? Well, with TeamSportz you can. Here’s how:

Keeping grassroots teams in mind, TeamSportz has tried to address all of the possible coach pain points and create something that would be useful and accessible for everyone. 

The proof is in the pudding

Who says you need to have a fancy, expensive camera to record and analyse your matches? You’ll see some other companies in the space argue that with an iPhone or Android, you won’t be able to capture the entire court or field, but that’s simply not true. The following screenshot showcases one of our coaches recording a game on their phone before uploading it to our platform for analysis:

Some people out there also argue that it’s nice to record games without having to hold a camera the entire time and we agree. Luckily, there are quality iPhone and Android tripods you can purchase on Amazon for under £3. This proves you don’t need to spend hundreds on a single camera to record a game. All you need is your phone!

The ability to record matches is great, but surely as a coach there are other tools you need and use in order to do your job the best you can. While other major game analysis solutions provide high quality cameras and a place to upload videos, this is usually the extent of what they can offer at expensive rates.

Beyond game analysis

TeamSportz on the other hand aims to be the all-in-one place for coaches to organise, manage, develop, and analyse their team. So, in addition to our game analysis feature, we also have an Events feature, giving you the ability to schedule practices, games and hangouts with your team. It’s an in–app calendar that’s connected to the players, where they can respond with their availability and you can keep track of your team’s attendance over time.

Lastly, TeamSportz’s main and most admired feature is the AI training and performance analytics. By using only the camera of your mobile phone, players can exercise or practice drills right within our app. With each exercise, TeamSportz will capture player metrics like speed, number of reps, number of sessions, activity level, duration, and more. The tracking is done in real time and players receive live feedback about their performance on practice drills or fitness exercises. 

The results of training sessions and progress of your entire roster is immediately available to you, as a coach, for analysis. Your coach dashboard keeps everything organised in one place and enables you to measure player performance, helping you to better coach and develop your team.

In sum, this all-in-one, coaching platform is a no brainer. It’s accessible, affordable, high quality, and solves major coach pain points. Try it all out for free today (no stress, no commitment):