Growing into a great team

February 1, 2020
3 min read

Scott Belsky wrote, "Great teams are grown not built" and I could not agree more. The TeamSportz team has grown, which is great, but our strength is not down to the size of our team. In this short post, I will highlight some of the key characteristics that all TeamSportz team members exhibit.

Strength in our resolve

To start a business from scratch it takes a lot out of oneself and our loved ones - story for another post. I have also come to realise that you must be a particular type of person to build an idea into a successful business.

Ultimately, we all want to wake up in a better world and some of us are willing to sacrifice a lot to make it happen. This is the underdog mentality that kicks in with statements such as “prove me wrong and I’ll show you”.

We love a good challenge

You could also group us into the category of 'they enjoy a good challenge'. The bigger the challenge the more determined and creative we become. Little did we know when we built our first wearable prototype - Ultra Wide Band (UWB) - that we would start our AI journey. What we knew was he amateur sports market was largely underserved with technology that enables athletes, coaches and teams to reach their full potential.

The gauntlet had been laid down, it was time to break down barriers and devise a solution that was:

  • sports agnostic
  • built for the amateur market
  • secure so it is safe for kids
  • affordable and accessible

You get the picture when I said it takes a particular type of person, someone obsessive enough to learn until becoming an expert.

We are resourceful

To build a multi-sports AI platform we needed to break the mould, think creatively and appeal to an audience that would benefit from our technology. To the surprise of our angel investors, we were able to do this while keeping the costs to run TeamSports relatively small.

Our resourcefulness and thinking outside-the-box helped us to dismantle the obstacles that exist within our industry, “we believe that our software will shape training environments for the better“. This way of thinking: getting things done with less enabled us to create an elegant, fun and yet affordable experience for our players, coaches and teams.

We are diverse

Our team is a diverse set of individuals that represent many cultures from around the world and we speak four languages. There is nothing worse than group-thinking. We bring to the table a broad spectrum of ideas and ways of thinking because of where we have come from. Our round table meetings always provide a bit of fun and entertainment because of the mix of languages.