How Can We Help Support London's Inactivity Crisis

Health & Wellness
July 15, 2022
4 min read

Listening to Tim Hollingsworth talk about the Sport England 10-year strategy to get people moving, rather than getting people into sport completely, really spoke to me. The benefits of sport are amazing and numerous, however focused physical activity for health is out of reach for so many people. You only have to look at the recent London Sport report presenting research highlighting that 50% of Londoners have cut down their access to sporting activities in response to the cost of living crisis, to know that we have a huge public health crisis in the making. The report paints a stark picture, but also does not account for all of those who are not accessing physical activities due to other barriers - gender, disability, caring responsibilities and other socioeconomic factors. 

In a time where the world is adjusting and reassessing what is important, physical activity and access to opportunities to get out and move must be part of this adjustment. Moving has huge benefits that are not only physical and psychological but also for education, attainment, social cohesion and economic development. We must look to make access to physical activity a fundamental human right. 

It has been my privilege to spend the last 3 years working on a solution that’s mission is to get everyone active, everywhere. Originally conceived to help sports teams reach their full potential, we quickly realised that TeamSportz could actually help everyone reach their full physical potential, regardless of their starting point. Our AI tracks body movement and enables anyone to get active, anywhere; all that is needed is a phone. 

We were recently featured on BBC Click for the work we are doing with Disability Sports Coach and that’s just one proof of concept indicating that we’re on the right track to helping all types of people. We are looking forward to seeing others adopt our app from all over the world, but firstly, to get the UK moving!