How to analyse your games, easily and affordably

Sport & Fitness
June 14, 2022
4 min read

Game analysis is nothing new, but for many it’s been this unattainable concept and luxury that sports teams have been wishing for for years now. When we think of game analysis we think of expensive technology that the NBA and Premier League use. We think of it as only being for professionals. TeamSportz wanted to change the game, so to speak, and created an easy, professional tool for coaches of any level to be able to use, for free. We’re not kidding – you can sign up now as a coach and start analysing your games today.

Here’s how you do it:


While game analysis tools aren’t used across the board at the moment as they’re inaccessible, coaches at the amateur level still are recording their matches one way or another. With TeamSportz, you can continue recording your games using a fancy camera or simply your camera phone – anything goes! Upload all of your game footage to our platform easily and without worrying about storage capacity.


Game recordings can be three hours long sometimes and coaches certainly don’t feel the need to share every second of the game with their players. With TeamSportz, you can quickly scrub through the video and add specific tags throughout the game including notable passes, blocks, goals, and more. When you add these tags to the video, it automatically creates a shorter video clip of that moment so you can take a closer look at it, notate on it, and share with your players if desired.


Within these smaller video clips created, you can then use our simple drawing tools to draw arrows, highlight players or positions directly on the video to better explain maybe what should have happened during this moment in the game. You can also add specific notes so that the players have an even better idea of what happened and what they need to do to improve.


Players are visual learners, and also want to show off their skills if they did well. You can immediately share these clips, annotations and comments with your players and they will be notified in the TeamSportz app. They will have access to the videos and even the ability to share the videos with others. If they’re looking to improve, we keep all of these videos organised by date so they can go back and view these videos over time and see their progress.

We made the platform intuitive enough so there’s no training required and you can figure everything out easily, on your own. Ready to try it out? Sign up today and start analysing your games!