Players, what does your coach REALLY think of your performance?

Sport & Fitness
February 25, 2022
3 min read

Whether you’re new to playing on a team or have been a part of one for years, your coach has given you feedback here and there. But - how have you been able to remember it, keep track of it, or see how you’ve improved? With the way most amateur sports teams are currently run, we’re betting not.

Luckily, we built something so you can now keep track of how your coach is rating you on a range of indicators (i.e. Communication, Ball Handling, Teamwork, Passing, Leadership, etc). How? We’ll show you:

1. Download TeamSportz and join your team

You can quickly and easily download the TeamSportz app on your iPhone or Android. Your coach provides you with a team code that you’ll enter on the Team tab in your app. Then, you’ll be able to see all of your teammates there as well, making it easier for you to stay connected to your team.

2. View your stats and coach notes

Head over to the Stats page on the app, where you’ll see all of your training and game stats to date. On this page, you’ll see the Coaches Notes tab, where your coach will regularly give you a star rating on each indicator, which you will see change over time. Want to understand more about why you received 1 star on ‘Communication’ for example? Your coach can leave detailed notes so you can see an explanation of that rating and get quality feedback.

3. See your star rating go up on your profile

The more and more your coach rates you and gives you feedback, the better you will improve and perform as a player. In turn, your overall star rating should improve and you and your teammates can check that out in your player profile.

If your team is not already on the app, tell your coach about it and get started, so you can start training smarter and improving, today. They can sign up here.