Why it is important to solve the problem of sport participation and use technology to democratise access to sports performance

Sport & Fitness
April 6, 2023
3 min read

Why it is important to solve the problem of sport participation and use technology to democratise access to sports performance

Our mission here at TeamSportz HQ is to democratise access to sport and increase the number of people participating in and benefiting from sport. In this blog series we will explore why we feel this is such an important mission and how we can utilise technology to achieve this aim.

Sports can be an incredibly powerful tool for improving both physical and mental wellbeing, promoting personal growth and social development, as well as fostering a sense of community. Unfortunately for many individuals, especially those from underrepresented groups, there are significant barriers to participating in sports due a to lack of access to facilities, equipment and coaching.

Fortunately, technology can play a key role in breaking down these barriers and democratising access to sports performance, in an affordable and scalable way that can reach a large number of athletes.

As active members of sports in our local communities, we at TeamSportz have experienced first-hand the significant challenges in accessing sports technology,  driving us to work hard at finding ways to bridge the gap in sports access and participation. Like TeamSportz, organisations are actively working to develop innovative solutions that democratise access to sports technology, leveling the playing field for all and fostering greater inclusivity in sports. By using readily available equipment, organisations are reducing the entry barriers to participation in sports, which provides exciting opportunities for the development of novel solutions that benefit both users and organizations. These solutions creatively create new economic opportunities that benefit individuals and empower communities.

These solutions come in a variety of shapes and forms, namely wearables and virtual coaching. Wearable devices and mobile apps allow individuals, alongside their coaches, to monitor physical activity, track progress, and receive personalised feedback to help them reach their goals. These tools can be especially helpful for people with disabilities or those who live in areas with limited access to sports facilities and coaching, or those whose work commitments require them to exercise ‘out of hours’.

Additionally, virtual coaching and training platforms offer a way for individuals to access high-quality coaching and training resources, regardless of their geographic location. By leveraging technology, we can create more inclusive sports communities and enable all individuals to get active and enjoy the many benefits of participating in sports.

Overall, the challenge of sports participation provides an opportunity for innovative solutions to be developed in a way that creatively adresses the needs of unrepresented groups, at a larger and more accessible scale. By making sports more accessible to everyone, we can help to promote physical health and well-being, build stronger communities, and even create new economic opportunities. With the continued development of new technologies, it is possible to create a future where sports are truly accessible to everyone.