Solving Top Three Barriers of Grassroots Sports Clubs

Sport & Fitness
May 9, 2022
3 min read

There’s a running list of barriers that grassroots sports clubs face in the UK. Sport and Recreation Alliance have gathered data surrounding some of the top barriers grassroots clubs are facing in the UK. We’ve summarised them below, as well as included how TeamSportz removes these barriers, enabling more physical activity and a chance to improve athlete performance.

1. COST: Majority of grassroots sports clubs are run by coaches on a voluntary basis, because funding and resources are close to nonexistent. Clubs may not be able to afford basic necessities for the game such as uniforms, practise space, quality coaching tools, and training equipment. With this massive barrier in the way, how can amateur players improve their performance?

How TeamSportz Helps: We wanted to be an affordable solution so that everyone, anywhere around the world could stay active and improve their performance. Our app is free for players, so they can choose any of the exercises from our library and keep track of their progress over time. No need to manually input stats (reps, time, etc). Our AI captures that automatically. If a player wants to be a part of their team on TeamSportz and take advantage of more features, their coach can sign up for a subscription costing only £3.99 per player per month. With this subscription, players can see how they measure up to their teammates on the leaderboard and receive feedback from their coach.

2. TIME: The lack of time is an ongoing issue. Majority of coaches are volunteering and trying to coordinate practices and games for their team in their spare time (which is already limited). Parents are also extremely busy and can’t find time to bring their kids to practices or games. The combination of the two leads to less team practice time and potentially less quality of coaching for the players.

How TeamSportz Helps: Coaches don’t have the luxury of time to give one to one feedback to players or spend hours on game analysis. With TeamSportz, coaches can give direct feedback at their leisure, whenever, using only their phone. Additionally, we have a game analysis tool that cuts a coach’s game analysis time in half. 

3. ACCESS TO FACILITIES: This links to the issue of cost, but clubs have trouble accessing facilities to practise and play sport due to the cost or the availability. If there’s no/less access to training facilities, then this becomes a huge hindrance to player progression.

How TeamSportz Helps: When the circumstances are less than ideal and facilities are limited, expensive or overbooked, coaches can set training goals for their players on the platform and players can exercise from wherever. Automatically player training stats will be made available to coaches so there’s that necessary level of accountability.