Ways To Make A Coach’s Life Easier

Sport & Fitness
December 2, 2021
3 min read

As a coach (no matter what sport), it’s always a struggle to juggle so much on the job itself (never mind the other career and life commitments you have). You’re responsible for everything from scheduling and coordinating practices to improving your team development and analysing games. Wouldn't it be nice if you could balance everything a little bit better and save time on admin? Here are the top 5 ways to make your life easier as a coach.

Use a team calendar

With everything from practices, games, tournaments, and team hangouts, it can be a lot to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row. Use a shareable calendar that connects you and your team so that everything is in one place. With TeamSportz, there’s a team calendar, so any one-off or recurring events you add to the calendar, your players will be notified and will be able to respond with their availability. You can even set up who your starting line up will be and your players will be notified.

Analyse your games, digitally

In-game analysis is nothing new, but for the majority of sports teams that are not at professional level, in-game analysis tools can be too time consuming and/or way too expensive. To remove a lot of the time out of manual work, it’s best to go digital (even if that sounds like a foreign concept for all of you traditional coaches). 

With TeamSportz, the price point is made specifically with amateur sports teams in mind (it’s cheaper than a cup of coffee!), knowing that all quality, in-game analysis tools out there are too out of reach. 

To stay organised, it’s best to upload all of your game videos into one spot. With TeamSportz, not only is there the option to upload your game videos to your dashboard, but coaches can also add tags to the video, and send snippets/highlights to their players of the game, with valuable feedback notes. 

Get rid of spreadsheets

Yes, spreadsheets are one step better than handwriting notes, but there are even better, less time consuming options out there. Instead of just entering in numbers or rosters in a spreadsheet, instead you can digitise and streamline everything with TeamSportz. The app pulls in player training data automatically for coaches to see, creating visuals and charts so you can see how your players are progressing. 

Sit back and relax, knowing your players are training outside of practice

As coaches, we can tell players what to work on outside of practice all we want, but we’ve never actually been able to ensure they’re training like they say they are. With TeamSportz, now you can set exercise goals for your players, and they have to complete them on the app (essentially making it cheat-proof), so you know when and how much your players are training on their own. Accountability is key and now you can keep your players accountable from afar.